Parting Ways

I’ve always struggled with the concept of losing people. Once someone is in my life, I assume object permanency and think they will always be a part of it. Come to think of it, this could be almost selfish. Everything and everyone transitions. And though someone may not be a part of my current moment, they’re still a part of me and will forever be weaved into my soul’s being.

You can’t force someone to align with you out of the desire of “keeping” them. It’s not fair to yourself to feel like you have to be and act a certain way with someone in order to “keep” them in your life: If you feel like you can’t speak your true feelings, if you feel like you have to meet certain expectations, or tiptoe, or walk on glass – so to speak.

It’s not fair to them either, as they are not experiencing you in your wholeness. It’s shallow. It’s coated, when it should be raw.
All we are is energy and vibration. Not all energies will align with one another.

It hurts so much because it’s grief. I have so many past memories, connections, and moments with people, and the grief is knowing those will not continue. But to look at it from another perspective – they will continue… just with beings whose vibrations align with mine.

I’ve found some peace in thinking of each person I love, how comfortable I feel with them, how safe, how free. At the same time, I must come to peace with the fact that absolutely nothing is permanent. A concept that can both calm and terrify me at the same time. But living in the “now”, truly, means I need to love these people without the desire to “keep” them – the selfish part of love and friendship. The confusing part. The painful part.

If you are living your truth and being unapologetically yourself, the right people will stay as long as they are meant to stay.

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